“Max Guiding Lands Region Level” takes effect when you slay a monster in guiding lands.Note there are level caps at lv49, lv69 and lv99, you’ll need to complete specific missions in order to break the level cap. “Change Master Rank” and “Master Exp Multiplier”: Your master rank is locked until you beat the iceborne story, this option only work after you finished the iceborne story.Note there are level caps at lv29 and lv49, you’ll need to complete specific missions in order to break the level cap. These options only work after you finished the main story. “Change Hunter Rank” and “Hunter Exp Multiplier”: You hunter rank is locked until you beat the main story.It will not work in exclusive fullscreen mode or DirectX 12. “Show Monster Health (Lock On)” only work in DirectX 11 windowed/borderless windowed fullscreen mode.“Heavy Bowgun: Rapid Fire” only works for the special ammo (Wyvernheart).

track footprints, kill, capture, break parts, etc). “Max Monster Research Level” takes effect when research progress increases (e.g.“Max Palico Level”, “Max Palico Gadget Proficiency”, “Max Tailraiders Level” take effects when you complete a mission.
#Monster hunter world trainer cdcopyworld upgrade#